New Social Work Award
The New Social Work Award is now well underway, with only one full cohort of the Diploma in Social Work (BSc Hons year 4) at Magee to complete
The New Social Work Award consists of a three-year Honours Degree, combined with an assessed year in employment prior to confirmation of registration. There is also a relevant Degree “fast-track” Route which comprises two years to complete the Award together with the assessed year in employment. It should be noted that all social work students require to be registered with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council.
Students undertaking the Social Work Award are funded either through a bursary scheme, or by successfully obtaining a traineeship. The Trusts in the Western Board Area have employed another 10 Trainees.
Anyone interested in pursuing a career in Social Work should contact:
The Northern Ireland Social Care Council
7 th Floor Millennium House
19-25 Great Victoria Street
Tel. No. 028 90417600
Fax No. 028 90417601
E. Mail –
or visit their website at
Post-Qualifying Awards
The Post-Qualifying system is being reviewed nationally and the final document is expected in the near future.
Regional Body
A Regional Body has been formed consisting of senior members of staff from agencies and universities etc. The Western Board Representative is Dominic Burke, Director of Social Care.
The Regional Body has been established to plan and co-ordinate agreed regional approaches to the provision of the new Honours Degree in Social Work. It is an un-incorporated association, established by NISCC under the Rules for the Approval of the Degree in Social Work. It will:
• Promote consistency of standards in course provision
• Optimise the use of resources
• Promote good practice between course providers
• Make recommendations about the ‘fitness for purpose' for social work training
• Advise on future course provision
The Regional Body has already set up 5 working groups as follows:
Regional Admissions Group – Chair, Jan Maconachie
Regulation Compatibility Group – Chair, Mary McColgan
Curriculum Development Group – Chair, John Pinkerton
Access/APEL Group – Chair, John Doherty
Practice Learning Strategy Group – Chair, David Vance
The Regional Body is chaired by Roy Blair and can be contacted at Graham House, Knockbracken Health Care Park, Saintfield Road, Belfast BT8 8BH
Tel. No. 028 90566735. Fax No. 028 90566736
PQ1 - Consolidation
From 1 st April 2003 all newly qualified staff are required to undertake PQ1 within two years of qualifying. The WHSSB, in conjunction with SHSSB, runs two intakes per year to the PQ1 Taught Programme. There are also other ways of achieving PQ1 by Portfolio or Verbal Presentation Route. If anyone feels they are in the above category they should speak to their Line Manager and make contact with Christine McLaughlin, APSW Social Services Training Team, Tel. No. 028 82252222.
In-Service Training
Social Services Training Team has planned an intensive programme of in-service training for the year. Staff are encouraged to ‘browse' through the various courses on offer and begin to plan, in conjunction with their Line Manager, those that they feel would be relevant to them. They should also consider reading the developmental projects as these may have relevance to their individual situations. Staff should always feel free to contact the co-ordinators of either courses or projects to obtain more information.
Please note that due to requests from key stakeholders, the programme of in-service training will be planned on a financial-year basis from 1 April 2006. Therefore, in future, the website will be updated with the new training programme in April each year.
The term ‘Social Worker' is a protected term as of April 2005. Social Workers, therefore, in the agreed priority and other groupings, can now register with the Social Care Council. If you require further information you should contact the Northern Ireland Social Care Council. Details are given above.
Keeping Up-To-Date
It is important that everyone keeps up-to-date with these developments. Further information can be obtained from contacting the Council itself or by visiting the following website: which provides the latest news and information on the reform of Professional Social Work Training.
If you would like to speak to anyone in the Social Services Training Team about learning needs, or you would like to provide feedback about the courses we run, or the website itself, always feel free to contact the Team directly. All information on how to do this is contained on the Social Services Home Page.
To contact Them:
email click here.
Source: WestCare Social Services Training site.
Disclaimer: Content on this site is placed Without – Prejudice.
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